You should probably also run the following command to ensure everything is configured correctly: brew doctor Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision 25888e29aac last commit )

Now you can test your installation to ensure you have installed brew correctly, simply type: brew -version Homebrew 3.6.16

zshrc: eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)" If this is a fresh install and you don't have your path setup properly, you can follow the installation "next steps" which are already customized for you, or you can manually add the following paths to your. Just follow the terminal prompts and enter your password where required. This is a simple process, but you need to launch your Terminal ( /Applications/Utilities/Terminal) application and then enter: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL )" Using the brew command you can easily add powerful functionality to your mac, but first we have to install it. This process relies heavily on the macOS package manager called Homebrew. If you don't already have XCode installed, it's best to first install the command line tools as these will be used by homebrew: xcode-select -install Homebrew Installation If you are a beginner developer, you will be better served using MAMP or MAMP Pro. This guide is intended for experienced web developers.