Visuals Engine: The Canadian organization, ConnectAbility, has hosted this wonderful tool on their website for many years.QuickPics: If you don’t need a lot of images, the resources on Patrick Ecker’s site may meet your needs.We love that you can explore things like LessonPix and Boardmaker before committing to a purchase. Trial versions: Some companies offer a free trial of their symbol software or programs so that consumers can try before they buy.Keep them in mind as you are searching for symbols or creating AAC supports. ARASAAC: We’ve written about the wonderful resources at the Aragonese Portal of AAC in previous posts.This program offers voice output and scanning, too. You can view and use the boards online via computer or mobile device or print them. Picto4Me: This executable program works with Google Chrome and allows you to create communication boards and other visual supports at no cost.Whether you are a graduate student clinicians/teacher, parent, or professional, these tools may come in handy. There are times, though, when ‘free’ and ‘simple’ fits the bill. For comprehensive AAC systems, there is no doubt that we need access to tools with the communication symbols that match our client’s needs.